There's a problem in the market now between compliance (companies requiring applicants to have great resumes, educations and experiences) and capability (what a candidate can actually do). Our employers are screwed up right now with this issue and are mismanaged, too. There are many talented candidates out there who are finding it hard to win jobs. And there are many talented consultants who aren't connecting with potential paid clients for a variety of reasons.
Hosts, organizers, writers and guests of the AppsJack Podcast and Share IRLs are good for:
- Learning from others
- Showing skills
- Practicing skills
- Demonstrating excellence and expertise
- Growing an audience
- Make your resume and story more compelling and relevant
- Promoting ideas and individuals
AppsJack is committed to helping members of the community grow, learn and develop. AppsJack creates free events and opportunities for ambitious individuals to get out there and change the world. Join us today.