We were led on Tuesday evening by management consultant David Slight who is basically awesome. David came very well prepared with handouts for the guests and a meetup host sign-up sheet. David led us in topic 1 of 12: TECH DRIVERS.
The dialog went far and wide and was fascinating. The discussion touched on:
- The 3rd Industrial Revolution wiki
- 5G mobile networks wiki
- Humans are Under Rated video
- GM says it is leaving the automotive industry - Richard Webb statement, needs source
- Bonini's Paradox - contribution by newcomer Lucas Parker - "explains the difficulty in constructing models or simulations that fully capture the workings of complex systems (such as the human brain)." wiki
- "Things don't just happen, they happen for a reason." ~ David Slight quote.
- Drivers are things we can't change.
- Richard spoke about the technology having been ready and done for five years but regulation and its impacts are the things holding its implementation back.
Join us for our next gathering in a couple of weeks when we'll take the HUMAN side of the DRIVERS debate. Details and RSVP here.