I'm really excited right now: I had a great (first) meeting last night for the AppsJack Business Services Meetups that I'm putting together with a few associates. I'd like this to be a big deal and feel like it has the potential to be and do just that.
We met at
the Pumphouse Bellevue and had a great time. We covered many topics and had fun, food, and big beers. I'm super pumped for what's in front of us and wanted to share with you a few details and thoughts on what this is all about and where we're headed.....
Communications. We'll be good at outreach and communications
We'll stay in touch with event attendees and our networks through email, phones, F:F, blogs, events, lunches, etc.
Meet. Meetings will continue and improve
We'll keep holding monthly events/meetings/meetups (I need a name, I guess) and: feature a business, have a featured topic, and perhaps alternate venues. We'll mix it up and keep it interesting but we'll add dynamic elements. We'll get to know and bring the venue owners into the mix to add to the overall value. We'll provide free beer or something like that to get people in the door.
Services. We'll start providing services to help people sell
We'll develop a service that allows people to aggregate experience (projects) from various persons and businesses in their network to make a branded portfolio for a single person that makes them look larger than they may be alone.
Governance. We'll track how the network grows
We'll keep track of how people are included and introduced into the network to give credit to good additions and growth.
Identity. "Repping" will be a core concept of the network
We'll flesh out the "rep and refer" concepts. People can rep themselves or something else but they can only rep a single thing per event. People need to be focused and intentional, not wavering.
Community support and purpose. It'll be focused while helping recruits, startups and established people
We'll ensure that the community stays focused about ONLY BUSINESS SERVICES.
- For employees. We'll help employees who are looking for something else an ability to become owners and partners in other businesses and transition from employee to employer. We'll help these people looking for something else select a single project or capability that's been a success for them and mature that into something that is salable and scalable. We'll transition services into products.
- For startups and small businesses. We'll help small businesses and startups grow by capitalizing on and delivering services to leads known by recruits.
- For graduates. For people who have "made it" and are just looking to help.
We'll clearly define these terms and roles of recruit, startup, and graduates and make this system sing. We'll make the risk for recruits low and increase opportunities for startups and recruits.
Safe and legal. There will be incentives and a legal framework available
We'll provide a legal structure to support collaboration and operations, repositories for the artifacts as well as incentives and compensation for certain relationships, milestones and acts.
We'll grow the network.
We'd really love for you to participate in this community and give us your thoughts on how it can flourish and grow. Also, let us know what you think this kind of communicate could do or be FOR YOU and how it can add the most value to people like yourself and those you know.